Saturday, February 9, 2013

I Don't Speak Deer

This morning on my walk, as I neared home, there were some deer very close to me.  One turned and ran quickly into the thicket.  A second one stared at me for quite some time, not taking her eyes off of me for a second, and her perked ears moving only once.  While in this stare-down with Deer #2, a third deer came onto the scene.  This one turned straight toward me and also began the stare-down.  But this one, stamped its front hoof as well – several times.  I was gently asking what he wanted, because I really don’t speak “deer.”  He kept doing this several times, and it made me wonder about the communication we all attempt and how much is missed in the understanding.  I am sure that this deer had a clear goal to make sure I knew he meant business (they were quite  forceful stomps!).  But I don’t know if it meant “go away” or if it meant “are you safe?”  These are certainly very different things.  What I do know, however, is that God takes care of the deer that roam in the fields behind my house as well as the beautiful birds that visited my feeder this morning.  They don’t fret, they don’t worry because they know they will have what they need.  Psalm 104 says:
             How many are your works, O Lord!  In wisdom you made them all; the earth is
            full of your creatures…these all look to you to give them their food at the proper
            time.  When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they
             are satisfied with good things (vs. 24, 27-28).
Oh I have so much to learn from God’s creatures!  And even if I don't speak, "deer" they certainly have spoken to me today.