Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Don't Throw in the Towel Yet

            I know when people say that it must be a “God-thing” not everyone understands what that means.  Today was living proof for me of how God’s hand is in all that we do.  I spent a few hours working on my latest book.  It’s a novel and taking me way longer than I had anticipated.  I am used to the quick turnaround of children’s books.  I sit and write for about twenty minutes and then it’s there—a creation borne with little time spent.  Not so with a novel.  I am about ¾ completed, but getting rather tired of the whole project.  Anyway, after I finished my daily addition, I was feeling pretty disgusted with the book.  Who cares what a Principal’s life is like anyway?  Who wants to read a Christian romance novel?  Is it too cheesy?  Maybe I have too many characters and not enough depth.  Maybe it is too confusing and I should just give it up.  If I am tired of writing it, who would want to read it?
            Then within an hour after thinking these thoughts, my phone rang.  The caller ID said it was coming from Meadville, PA.  That is where I was born and raised.  That is, and always will be, my hometown.  I wondered who was calling me from home?  I have no family left there.  It was a literary agent.  I had requested some information from a Christian publisher last week, just in case someone might be interested in my book.  They were following up my inquiry, but I had no idea they were from Meadville!
            I told this lady that I was ready to throw in the towel, and she reminded me that maybe this work was for me and not anyone else.  The title is “It Matters To This One.”  This lady, who doesn’t know me at all, says, maybe this work is because it matters to you.
            I am thinking it is just too ironic that this company is housed in my hometown.  It is too coincidental that I am ready to throw in the towel, and the phone rings, giving me hope that my writing might have importance.
            Then I remember that I am partnering with the Holy Spirit as I write.  To throw in the towel is a bit blasphemous to say the least.  How can I give up, when I haven’t done this on my own?   It would be wrong to partner with someone and then say, I give up.

            So call it Providence.  Call it a coincidence; or call it a “God-thing.”  Whatever it is, I guess the proverbial towel remains un-thrown.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Rescue Me, Please!

Today, I spent my time between filling out job applications and trying to locate a publisher – someone – ANYONE who would be willing to take a chance on promoting what I have to offer.  What I want is someone to just call me on the phone to say, “Linda, I just read your books and I LOVE your writing.  We want to sign you on a contract.”  Or, “Linda, of course we want you to teach for us.  We are looking for strong Ph.D. candidates for this position.”
But having to go out and find the openings is overwhelming.  It feels like I am 10 again and my Mom tells me to clean my entire room.  I don’t know where to start, and so I just dump all of my drawers in the middle of the floor and then burst into tears because it is just too much to do.  Too many decisions – keep, sell, throw away?  It’s all too much in one giant heap and it won’t go away until I deal with it.  All  of it.

 I stopped my job hunting and instead watched a movie while doing an on-line jigsaw puzzle.  I am much better now.  I still want my Prince to come and rescue me, but alas, that will not happen.  I wonder why I keep hoping anyway?  Sigh.

Tomorrow will be another day.