Thursday, August 2, 2012


Reframing is the thought of the day.

Yesterday, I had a situation that caused me considerable concern.  I felt somewhat violated and rather helpless, and I also felt an enormous level of angst to rectify what I believed was a very unethical circumstance.  And then someone shared another possibility, and suddenly I could let the situation go.  It had been reframed for me, and I was able to let go of that familiar, anxious, gnawing feeling that drives me to constantly try to “fix” everything.  What had become my mountain for the day was instantly reduced to a molehill with a friend’s simple yet reframing comment.

This experience caused me to reflect on how God so easily reframes my thoughts of myself.  I see myself as unworthy.  He has made me worthy through Christ.  I see myself as falling short of the mark.  He sees me as his beloved daughter.  I see myself as the sum total of all of my past mistakes.  He sees me as whole and cleansed.  God takes what He has in us, and reframes our beliefs and doubts for His good.

 He has been doing this for a very long time.

Abraham was a liar.  He almost got himself and his wife killed with his lies.  God saw him as the Father of many nations.

Jacob was a deceiver.  He tricked his father and stole his brother’s birthright.  God saw him as Israel – the head of the 12 tribes.

Gideon was from the wrong side of the tracks.  He was poor, broke, and unsure of himself.  Yet an angel of the Lord came and told him that he was a mighty man of valour (Judges 6:12).  He lacked trust, demanding the miracles of the fleece, and God provided these signs to help Gideon see himself the way God saw him.

Samson had no friends and could not keep a secret.  God granted him a martyr’s death.

David was lustful and plotted a murder to steal another man’s wife.  God saw him as a man after God’s own heart and made him king.

Peter promised to never leave the Lord’s side, and yet when being a friend was needed the most -- three times he denied that he even knew the man. Jesus called him to stay and wait.  Peter threw in the towel and went back to his fishing.   God made him a most powerful witness to the church and to the gentiles.

Saul was arrogant and persecuted good and Godly people.  God made him Paul, giving him more revelation and doctrine than has been given to any other man.

If God can reframe us in our shortcomings and our faults, then we truly should be learning how to reframe our thoughts to line up with His.

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