Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Just when I think I can't deal with one more thing, there are nine more things that need my immediate attention.  And so, without thinking, I just address each one as best I can -- just doing each task without thinking about how much stuff there is hitting me at once.  Just dealing with the task at hand.

Being the "big picture" kinda gal that I am, this actually takes great focus and effort for me to NOT think ahead but to be in the moment with what I have going on -- and ONLY that.  It is real work for me!  But as I get through each of the things thrown at me, and finally get to the end of my day, I realize it was another win!  I handled life.  I was my best that I could be, doing the work God has called me to do.  But I'm tired.

What I WANT is a beachfront house with no one needing anything from me.  I want days with no plans, no meetings, no appointments, no one expecting things from me.  But knowing myself, I would only enjoy this kind of life for about 2 days, and then I would start making plans.  How much better to know that God has made BETTER plans for me -- plans to prosper me and NOT harm me.  Plans to give me hope and a future.  Thanks for the great reminder, Jeremiah!

I also want to know when it finally ends.  When does the rat race of life finally become the blessings of living in eternity with Christ?  I am so ready for Christ's return.  I am ready to say that this work is done.  Yet, the reality is -- God says it isn't.  He says there are more people that need to know His love and I am supposed to give it.  He says there are more people who need to know who Jesus is and I am supposed to tell them.  He says there are more people who need an encouraging word, and I am supposed to give it.  So, I will breathe, and muster it up, for another day is about to begin.  Wonder what He has in store for me today?

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