Saturday, July 14, 2018

Oh To Be Found

            I’m finishing up my second novel. I thought I would complete it with fifty chapters, but the story isn’t over yet as I am beginning chapter fifty-one. I’ve been working on this novel for about a year now. I’m not really sure why I’m having such trouble ending the book, but I’m pretty sure there are several factors here.
First, I don’t have a real publisher. I have tried four different publishing places, all of which are pretty much vanity presses. This means, I front the money, so they take no risk. They also don’t care how long it takes for my investment to actually become a product.

My latest book should have been completed months ago, but every time they send the document back for final proofing, I find a few more minor corrections. And each time, it takes them more than a month to make those corrections that would take me about 10 minutes to do.

I was so hopeful that this publisher would be the one.  Yet, when the priority for my work to be produced is so much at their obvious bottom of the barrel, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out they don’t really intend to promote my work.

The second reason I seem to be stalling on finishing my book is that I don’t really know how to end it. I keep writing, and more unfolds. I guess I’m just supposed to see where it leads me.

The publisher who did my last book was the worst ever. They took months and months to make minor corrections and didn’t make the corrections that I asked for. I hate the way the book looks. The layout is nothing like I wanted, but I got sick of waiting for them and just wanted it over. They also don’t seem to care at all about promoting my work. I received an email a few weeks ago that said they found a little time to devote to my book and would try marketing it again. Thanks so much for remembering you haven’t helped me recoup one cent of my work after two years!

I’m pretty frustrated.

I have lots more books stirring inside of me to write.

I have another children’s book waiting on the last few illustrations, and then there’s this novel, plus a bunch more on my mind.

I need a fairy godmother to just wave a wand and turn me into the princess writer I want to be.

I’m smiling as I read those words, because they are beyond silly.

What does it take to find the right person to know that I am a gold mine waiting to be uncovered?

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