Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Hope #3

Guard my life and rescue me;
do not let me be put to shame, for I take refuge in you.
May integrity and uprightness protect me,
    because my hope, Lord, is in you. Psalm 25:20-21

Today two things happened that gave me cause to continue exploring the topic of hope. 

First, I was offered the opportunity to publish my latest book with a vanity press. I really like this publisher and I like the people and the detailed support that they offer. However, it is a vanity press, which means I front the money. I have done this five times already with two different publishing houses, and have yet to break even with any of my books.

Secondly, I received a rejection from a literary agent.

Now, I could be very sad about the rejection, but I really am not. I am so grateful that this agent actually took the time to respond back to me in less than twenty-four hours. I have been waiting in silence with four other agents for the past three months.  I so appreciate his kind words to encourage me to continue my creative path.

That said, I am standing in a place I don’t like.  I can get my book out there with this vanity press. They will do a great job and it would be such a blessing to have my book in my hands and the hands of others.  Yet, I was reminded of something very important:  This new book is not my offering to the world, but rather a gift from God to use me for His purposes. I know I am to wait for the right agent. I know I am to stand in my integrity because I know where I place my hope.  If it is true that God gave me this book (which I believe that He did), then I guess it is up to Him to open the doors for that to happen.

With that said, I will wait in hope (and with much patience) for the door to open.  Either an agent will find me, or the sum of money to self-publish will land in my lap.  I can bask in the comfort of knowing that it isn’t my problem any more.

Then I remembered—It actually never was!

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