Thursday, February 9, 2017

So Hard to Wait

I am being told to have more patience. I wonder why waiting is so difficult for me. I know that so many better things happen when the timing is aligned with God’s plans and not my own, and yet, I am excited to get my next book into print.

This new one is a Christian-based book to help children deal with the bullies in their lives. It is full of scriptures put into kid-friendly terms that address a different aspect of being a victim of bullying – one for each letter of the alphabet. It is called,
“The A B C’s of Bullying and What God Wants Me to Know. My 7th grade friend Riley did another outstanding job with amazing illustrations, and I really want this book in print.

It has been accepted at a vanity press, but that requires more capital outlay upfront. The manuscript has been sent to multiple literary agents. I have had three rejections, and haven’t heard from six others. One acknowledged receipt, but said it could be six weeks before a decision is made. I want the book in my hands.

The Holy Spirit is telling me to wait. It is a bit easier to do since I really don’t have the funds anyway, but my heart is anxious about getting the publishing process underway. I am pondering why the wait is so hard for me.

My piece in the latest Chicken Soup for the Soul came out this week. I should be so thrilled that more of my writing is out in the world, and yet, all I can think about is this embryo waiting to be birthed.

Thank you, Papa for helping me to stay my mind. I want to remain steadfast on You and not on the results in my life. Thank you for reminding me that this is all about You anyway.

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