Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Novel Writing is Hard

I’m working on a novel. I really don’t know why. It's my second one, but I can’t keep my focus long enough to write more than a few pages at a time. I’m at a place in the story right now that is pretty intense, and I don’t like writing it. The Pollyanna in me wants everything to be rosy and rainbows, and yet I’m writing about real life. Real people who want to hurt others, or are so caught up in their life’s drama that they don’t realize how their actions are destroying someone else. I don’t like writing about it, and so I closed the project again for today after just a page or two.

I like blogging. It is short, simple and to the point. It also only takes me a few minutes to jot into words some profound thought that makes me feel like a writer, yet without the angst of my novel work.

I’m thinking I won’t be doing any more novels after this one. Not only does it take too long (I started this one many months ago, and am not even a third of the way through), but I like the energy in short writing passages. Say what needs to be said. Find the important message. Move on.

I believe I have a lot to say, but with my child-like attention span, I am thinking it is best said in short spurts.

The funny part is, I am really okay with all of this!


  1. I blog surf and read may blogs. A lot of them, in and of themselves, would make a good book. Who knows, maybe you can tie yours into a book.

    1. Actually, I do have my first book of 31 blogs out. It is called: He Reaches My Heart and Teaches Me, available here -- www.amazon.com/author/lockel
      I have a second one in the making too, because I think you are right. It is worthwhile to have them compiled into book form! Thanks for your comment


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