Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Short-Sighted and a Three Dog Light

     While stopped at a red light, the truck in front of us had a sweet little dog in the back seat. The doggie had his head out the window and seemed to be enjoying the view. Then all of a sudden, he wiggled himself completely out the window, and was hanging by his leash attached to the collar around his neck. Slipping his collar, he ran around to the back of the truck. Thankfully, the light was still red.

            My mouth was wide open and so was the driver’s, who frantically jumped out of the driver’s seat, picked up the dog, and placed him back in the truck (with window now closed). The light still hadn’t turned green yet.

            My husband laughed at how long the light was, saying there was time to chase after three dogs before the light changed. He said he would be calling it the “Three Dog Light” from now on.”

            We followed the truck a few blocks, and then watched them turn into a local groomer’s parking lot. I had to laugh at that poor little doggie who risked jumping from a rather tall truck, almost strangling himself with his own leash and collar, and then ran into traffic—all to avoid a visit to the groomer’s.

            This reminded me of how short-sighted we must seem to God. We balk, and go in any direction instead of the one we need to, just to not have to endure what we think might be distasteful or scary. Yet, we often will put ourselves in even greater risk—just like this poor little doggie—to avoid something that really is pretty simple. God tells us to just take one step and then He gives directions for the next. When our thinking turns to worry and fear, it becomes easier to leap out the window than to stay the course.

            I wonder how many times I have run into greater obstacles just to avoid stepping out into the unknown? I have been just like this little pup more times than I can count. Enduring a bath at the groomers may seem like a mountain at the time, but in the grand scheme of things, it probably isn’t.

            Next time I start to stall when I am asked to leave my comfort zone, I will forever have this mind picture of a tiny dog leaping out of a truck window, hanging by his collar, and running into traffic just to avoid a bath. 

           Thankfully, the Three Dog Light held a happy ending today!

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