Friday, June 7, 2013

Who Am I?

Who Am I?

57 years old.  Female. Daughter. Friend. Student. Ex-wife. Mother (x3). Widow. Fiancé.  Singer. Guitar Player. Teacher. Substitute Teacher. Graduate student (x 3). College Professor. Principal. Speaker. Writer. Praise and Worship Leader.  Soon to be Ph.D.

            These are the terms that have defined something of me that have made me me. But even as a whole, they still cannot describe the very essence of who I am.

            What have I told myself about who I am?

Unworthy. Unloved. Not good enough. Unacceptable. Imperfect. Too emotional. Falling short. Fat. Not pretty enough. Not smart enough. Lacking Self-control and Gentleness. Talks too much. Feels too much. Gullible. Naïve. Good Friend. Dependable. Honest. Capable. Eager. Compelled. Passionate. Loving. Caring. Giving. Empathetic. Experienced. Risk-taker. Seeker. Learner. Enthusiastic. Growing. Wise (in some areas). Knowledgeable. Willing.

            Who does scripture say that I am?

Beloved. Cherished. Child of God. Heir to His Kingdom. Friend of Jesus. Part of the body of Christ.  Teacher. Forgiven. Healed. Whole. More than a Conqueror.  Justified.  Redeemed.  Sanctified.  Saint.  Peacemaker. Lover of the Brethren. Having the mind of Christ.  Created in His Image. God’s Partner in Miracle Delivery.  God’s Partner in Delivering Healing. Salt of the Earth.  Living Epistle—known and read of all men.  The Light of the world. Fellow-Laborer. Crucified with Christ. Strong in the Lord.

            What does this say to my heart about who I am?

            I realize that what drives me most of the time is love.  While I have felt unloved for much of my life, I know that to have love, we need to be love.  Out of love comes compassion and a willing heart to help and serve others.  This is not, however, the new name that God has given me. 

            A New Name

            When God gave His people a new name, it was because he was going to change their character.  A new name allows us to see ourselves differently as we grow into the person God has called us to be.  God has shared my new name with me.  I don’t understand it yet, but I know when the time is right he will reveal the path I must take to grow into my new name.  “To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone, a new name written which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.”  Revelations 2:17.

Who am I?  I am His Child.  Waiting.