Friday, June 20, 2014

My Compass

            I often wear a necklace with a compass on it.  I really like this necklace because it reminds me that I always need to be aware of the direction I am heading.  I have spent far too many days going the wrong way and losing sight of my destination.  Scripture tells us that the way is narrow:   “But small is the gate, and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it”  (Matthew 7:14).

            Putting my compass on in the morning is a gentle reminder that I need something outside of myself to stay on track.  I wonder how I could ever forget this, but somehow, I do.  Sometimes I get in God’s way and forget to connect with Him.  I forget to ask; I forget that it is never my own thoughts that bring me to the place I really want to be.

            One would think the memories of the painful events of my life would be enough to remind me to stay on the narrow path, but it is truly amazing how quickly I can erase those thoughts when the “stuff of life” entices me to take a shortcut. 

            While we now use our GPS tools to get us to our desired destinations, the compass I wear is a visible reminder that without direction, I am lost.  I have spent far too many days beating down my own paths, thinking I could find a better route to take.  Experience tells me otherwise, but it is the reality of His presence in my life that whispers the reminders that I need to stay focused on His map for my journey.  When I stay on the path, the Godly “Trip-Tik” that HE has determined for me, I realize that the planned stops along the way are amazingly important. 

            I am grateful for my compass necklace, and while I might not think much about it during my day, when I put it on in the morning and take it off again at night, I am reminded that my life coach-tour guide is ever with me to keep HIS purpose in focus for my journey.