Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Two Homes

    This morning as I took my sunrise walk along Green Lake, the Holy Spirit was nudging me to take notice of two beautiful homes along the shore.  The first was so elegant and spacious, reminding me of a Southern mansion.  The charming white house with the large porch area overlooking the sparkling splendor of the lake was obviously a place where many have gathered. There were climbing trees and open lawn areas, and beautiful beds of exquisitely landscaped flowers.  I pictured children and puppies enjoying the open air to romp and play, chasing fireflies in the early June evenings. A hammock stretched between two stately trees, seeming to invite one to grab a book and rest awhile. The front porch had many comfortable-looking chairs that practically beckoned me to come and sit awhile—maybe to enjoy a glass of lemonade with some fine company. The wrought iron gate was flung wide open, sending the message that all are welcome here.  The pier also held multiple seating spaces and there was yet another circle of chairs around a nearby fire pit holding remnants of sweet fellowship moments from the past. Indeed this was a home exuding nothing but pure grace and hospitality.

Right next-door was another multimillion dollar home, but definitely with a different tale to tell. It was a lovely Tudor style, but lacking somewhat in the simple and stately elegance of the home next door. There was a sign identifying this house as a cottage. However, right beside the sign was second one saying, “Private property. Keep Out.” The pier was roped off with yet another Private Property sign. There was no doubt that only a few would be welcomed here.

As I took in the shocking difference between these next door properties, I was pondering how they represented two kinds of people—those with open hearts that say “welcome” and “join me”; and those that say “keep out!”  When the Father shares of His abundance do we close our hearts and say to ourselves that this outpouring belongs to me alone? Do I tell myself the story that I worked hard for those finances to be able to purchase such a regal home and therefore I get to choose who visits me there? Or, do I instead, out of gratitude for His goodness say, I have freely received from the Lord, come and taste with me to see that He is good?  I would hope that I would always want to share the blessings God has given to me. An open door, an invitation to all who care to join me seems so much more desirable. 

Two homes, two very different stories.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Branding Day Two

So today, I am still pondering my personal branding. What is my unique purpose that God has created for only me? I understand the value of narrowing the focus and aligning my energies toward a single target. For me, however, that is a rather daunting task.

I am a musician. My passion and my connection in worship begin with song. Surely I could never put this part of me aside, however, there are no CD’s with my face on them, nor bookings around the country where folks are thronging to hear me sing praises to the Lord. While I would love to be known for my musicianship, and feel most alive while leading others in genuine and raw worship, this is just not that season for me. The platform at my church in my little Ohio town will have to suffice for now. Music is not my branding, even though I have often thought it would be.

I am a leader. I have studied leadership. I am qualified by the little letters after my name to teach leadership to others. I have been a leader for many years. I have organized, orchestrated, collaborated, supervised, administered, facilitated, managed, directed, taught, guided, mentored, you name it, I was leadership 101. But I am now retired. That season has passed.

I am a teacher. I know this is a gift ministry from the Lord, and I have taught many others over the years. I have taught preschoolers and high schoolers and those in between. I have taught college students in preservice educational programs. I have taught Sunday School for grown ups and Children’s church and Vacation Bible School. I have taught my children to drive (and am still living to tell the tales!). I have taught and am teaching my grandchildren to love stories and songs and to know Jesus. I will be teaching again in a few weeks at the University, but is this my brand? I know I am called to more than even this.

I am a Mom. I have three amazing children who are each living very different but exciting and fulfilling lives. They are their own persons now, and my identity can no longer be so closely tied to theirs.

I am a Grandma. The joy of holding the child of my child is something so treasured that words seem to fall short. I would pay my daughter to allow me time with those precious children, but once again, Grandparenthood is only a small yet worthy piece of my legacy.

I am a wife. My husband of less than a year is blind and there is some level of care-taking involved. However, I am not defined by being the spouse of the blind guy. I am however, grateful to partner with him in his life purpose coaching work. We are both on a different and yet very similar path, and while we are not soul mates, we are twin flames, both burning brightly to illuminate a path that makes a difference in the lives of others. We do this in vastly different ways, but out purpose is the same. We both want to bring the Kingdom of Jesus to Earth and we make each other better at what we do.

I am an intercessor. God has woken me up many times to pray for people I don’t even know. I barely can wrap my head around why, other than He knows, that when he asks me to stand in the gap, I will. Some call themselves prayer warriors. That is not me. A prayer warrior devotes much time and energy beyond the minute snippets of deep intercession where I briefly feel what it means to partner with Jesus. While I know Heaven has moved on behalf of others because I entered into obedience when asked, this is not who I am.  Some days I wish I had a longer attention span and could actually be a prayer warrior. I like the sound of that title. But alas, that is not me either.

When I have asked the Holy Spirit to tell me my purpose, I am led to this: I bring hope to the hopeless, and inspire others to begin their own purpose journey. I am pondering how this is a brand, but I am so open to hearing His voice as He teaches me how I can partner with Him to live out my calling.  It is a work in progress, and while I will not be able to set my focus yet, I am forever grateful.

Monday, August 15, 2016


Tonight, I am being stretched to see myself as the ambassador God has called me to be.  In order to be about my Father’s business, I have to get myself out of the way. I also have to know that what I bring to the world through Him, no one else has been called to do. There are parts of me that feel not good enough and their voices often drown out the truth of who I am in Christ. I have asked my not-good-enough parts to become reminders for me instead. Rather than telling me what I already know—that in my own power, I will always fall short of the mark—I have asked to be continually reminded that I have an amazing purpose.  I am still learning and growing into this new branding of myself.  In fact, it is so very new, that I cannot even name it yet. I will however, be partnering with the Holy Spirit to get that figured out. It is imperative that I know what I have to offer so that I might be used in His mighty ways. This is daunting to even think about, and yet, it is also the most compelling work I have ever done. I am so grateful for the teachers and mentors that I have met along the path. May we journey onward together to build His Kingdom and in His perfect timing.