Sunday, November 6, 2016


Expert. Maybe it is the word itself that makes me want to hide in a cave somewhere. Being considered an expert in helping victims find their voice is like telling someone you are an expert at parenting. Every parent knows quite well the agony of the many failures we have all experienced when dealing with children. Thankfully, our kids usually accept the misfires and will eventually focus on the big picture.  That only happens, however, when we have successfully sent the message that we love them, even amidst the times it might not have appeared that way.  

Shifting an entire culture from one where bullying and unkind words are acceptable to one of kindness and compassion is a rather tall order.

I’m no expert. I have some ideas. I have some strategies. I have some experience, and I definitely have passion. Does that make me an expert?  According to the dictionary, I guess it does1, but somehow, I have coupled the term “expert” with that of success. When the culture actually changes because of my expertise, then yes, the term expert is fitting. But what if the change is slow in coming? Am I still an expert? What if the change never happens? Do I lose my title?

I think I would rather be known as someone who cares and wants to make a difference. Expert or not, I want to be the change.  The thing is, I know that I can’t do this alone. The word expert seems to imply that one person can solve the concern, and that just is not the truth. It takes as all, and we all need to learn skills and find our passion to make this shift. I know I cannot do it by myself, so please don’t call me an expert.  Call me someone who wants all of you to come alongside and get busy finding our voice to change our world.

1having or showing special skill or knowledge because of what you have been taught or what you have experienced. 
"Expert." Accessed November 5, 2016.


  1. Such a wonderful and inspiring post. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Still struggling with the role, but thankfully I know the Master equipper! How did you find my blog?


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