Thursday, May 31, 2018

Though Now I See Dimly

Today on my walk, I was asking the Holy Spirit to show me my missed opportunities to bring the Kingdom to Earth. Immediately, I was given a mind picture of two men that I saw yesterday at the YMCA. One was a very friendly guy at the front desk who checks me in each morning, and the other is a man that often sits with a group of other men who always strike up a conversation with me as I’m leaving. I don’t know either of their names, but I see them several times each week.

The front desk dude seems to be a happy guy, and I never “checked in” to see if there was something Papa wanted him to know. I wondered why it didn’t occur to me to ask.

The other man, sitting outside the machine room said hello, and when I responded with, “how are you?” He replied, “About the same.”

Now, I knew that meant something, but I didn’t take the time to ask what it was about. Another missed opportunity, and it flew right over my head.

As I was asking the Holy Spirit why I seem to be so distracted that I don’t notice the nudges until too late, I was told to look up.

The sky was mostly cloudy, but there was a tiny patch of blue peeking through.

This is what I heard, “You have tiny patches of seeing clearly, and as you step into them more will open.” As these words were spoken, some of the cloud cover moved away, making the blue spot a bit larger.

It made me feel better, but I’m still rather mad at myself for not noticing. Being intentional requires not allowing distractions and busyness to get in the way.

I asked why the nudge is so obscure. Again, my eyes were drawn to a tiny patch of blue amidst the huge cloud cover. I guess I just need to trust that one day, I will see more clearly.

 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known (I Corinthians 13:12).

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