Thursday, June 14, 2018

Just Like the Dew

Today on my morning walk, I noticed the sun glistening on the dew in such a spectacular way. While I was pondering how this beauty would be short-lived as soon as the sun dried up the dew, I was reminded that the light is reflected in all of its glory because of the water.  I was also remembering how Jesus calls Himself the living water, and it is through Him that the light dispels the darkness. Without the water, though, the light is just light. When the light shines through the water droplets, then it becomes a take-your-breath-away kind of experience.

I want to be that kind of light—the kind that glistens in such a way that it can’t possibly go unnoticed. That kind of perfect light is only through the flow of the living water—Jesus.

What does it take to never be without the evidence of Jesus?

How does one get to the place, like Peter, where people want to rest in even just a shadow to catch some of the glory there?

How do the desires of our hearts to be one with the Father become such a driving force that nothing else matters?

We have so many amazing reminders of the goodness of God, and yet, it is all too easy to be caught up in the busyness of everyday life. Learning to let go of self is probably the hardest lesson of all.

Today, I choose to flow with living water. May my presence bring the presence of God Almighty with me. May I remember to abide in the vine, and never forget my calling. May I bring the love of the Father to a hurting world this day and every day.

Just as the dew sparkles in the sunlight, may the gift of Holy Spirit effervesce within me so that I can say like Jesus—those who have seen me, have seen the Father.

Is that a bold statement?

You bet it is, but I believe that God is calling His children to rise up and allow His presence to permeate the world.

Thank you for allowing me to be the dew.

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