Saturday, December 24, 2016

A One-Armed Christmas Eve

While delivering my homemade plate of cookies to a neighbor, I tripped over a rock at the edge of their sidewalk and broke my elbow.  There really isn't a good time for this to happen to anybody, but a few days before Christmas was certainly not in the plans!

Now today is Christmas Eve.

As I sit here thinking of all I want to get accomplished today and how I can do none of it on my own with only one arm, I am repeatedly reminded that these "things" I want done really have nothing to do with why this day is my favorite day of the year. Yes, I want my family traditions to take place today, but if they don't happen just like I want them to, I cannot forget the joy this day brings to the world. The day when all Christians remember, if only briefly whose they are, a powerful, yet peaceful presence surrounds us. Even before I became a Christian, I was aware of something different on Christmas Eve, and I wanted to know that peace for myself. It was this evidence of the peace of Christ that led me on my life's journey, and I am ever grateful. The special things I like to do really have nothing to do with what is really important.

I am forced to reckon with this, and it really is okay.

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