Monday, December 19, 2016

Hallmark Movie Sad

Just wiping the tears after watching another Hallmark Christmas movie. It makes me wonder why these movies all make me cry. I am aware of so many blessings in my life, and yet, when I watch these movies, there is an empty, lonely part of me that is longing for something just out of reach. I am not quite sure, however, exactly what that is all about.

I have a beautiful home, three beautiful children who are happy in their grown-up lives. I have two amazing granddaughters and a husband who dearly loves me. I have a fulfilling life and so much to be grateful for. What could I possibly be longing for?

There is a part of me that feels alone.

My children live in other places, and I don’t get to spend much time with them.  I hardly get to watch my grandbabies grow, only getting a day here or there about once a month or less.

My husband is blind and cannot help with anything around the house. As a matter of fact, I have extra things to do to clean up after him since he cannot see the everyday messes.

Our finances are tight and we haven’t had a vacation in years with none on the horizon.

I guess these realities are weighing more heavily on my heart than I care to admit.

I want a Hallmark movie life. Yet, I have been given more than that. I have been given a calling and a purpose that is beyond my imaginations.  Then why do I feel sad?

I guess it is just Hallmark movie sad. It isn’t really sad. When I put my thoughts and focus on the living Christ in me, I am immediately restored to wholeness once more.

Perhaps it is a good thing that I don’t imbibe in these back-to-back movies too often. I sure don’t want to forget Whose I am. Not ever!

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